Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Quantum living...

Talking about things,
thinking about them,
trying hard to find solutions
is like getting in a taxi
in a city you don't know
and trying to interfere with the driver's job...

Quantum living
is living in the flow
letting things change shape like a kaleidoscope,
trusting the process.
Quantum living is living in the light,
dim or bright,
light is light.

To stop the process
through a word, a thought, a complaint, a comment
is taking a snapshot
and changing dimensions...

Looking at a snapshot
is not being in the flow anymore.
It is just considering a moment of the past
as the process itself...

Any situation, any trouble, any pain
can be experienced through resistance
or through fluidity.
Quantum living
is letting things flow
the way life leads them...

We do not know the destination
but we feel :
Life is,
always moving towards the satisfaction
of it's objectives.

True life can never be frustrated.
True life flows
towards expression
of it's Good...

I trust Life
and I Behold...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Words and thought...

Notice how we react to the words we hear,
the words we see,...
A simple title in the newspaper may bring tears or laughs
to a whole country.
There is no neutral word,
they all affect the whole creation...

Some people think
that there is no power in words,
if you think so
just make a test
say a "negative" word to somebody in the street,
wait for the reaction...

Beyond all words
we have feelings, then thoughts.
When thoughts get strong enough
they become words, then actions.

A situation makes us feel upset,
this feeling give birth to thoughts
giving a shape to our feeling,
then the need for ex-pression becoming stronger
words burst out as complaints or as anger.
The next step is reactions and often dramas...

This also work from inside out :
we pick up a word outside,
we read something or somebody say something to us,
this builds up ideas, then feelings, then...

We often are on both sides.
We talk with ourselves all day long.
This dialog creates a loop...
The loop builds an atmosphere
around us...

It's the way almost all problems
and sicknesses
are generated.
It builds like a snow ball...
rolling, rolling on the trail
of less resistance,
the trail of our habits...
Complaining builds more complaints
Joyful thoughts brings more joy...

Noticing the color of our inner dialog
is the starting step of all "healing" processes...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Working on effects cannot change causes

Universe is ruled by scientific laws.
Mixing the levels of interpretation can bring more confusion than clarity.

There is a plane of causes and a plane of effects...
Working from the plane of effects to affect the causes is useless.
It is just like making up a mirror in front of you and expecting to change the look on your face...

Pure energy is only in Spirit and truth...
What can disturb our perception of "purity"(or synchronicity) is only memories (which means false ideas and beliefs inherited from the past...).

Discomfort is the result of the effects of the memories.
It is also an invitation to let them go if we wish.
It gives us an occasion to say to Life "My past ideas led me here, I am not happy with the result, I wish to let them go!"

Understanding the past would lead nowhere. Letting go willingly of what does not bring us comfortable effects is the only way...Back to nothing!
All, absolutely all "beliefs" should be erased. We should be re-born spiritually. We should be like little children again.
Only Spirit is able to proceed  to this transmutation.  If we request it and do our part : letting go of all.

We have an habit of not perceiving that all is GOOD for us all around...
We have been raised in an "human" atmosphere of delusion...We have lost contact with our true SELF.
Erasing all feelings, emotions, impressions related to our discomforts as they show up is an instant by instant housekeeping job.

Principle: All is supposed to be Good for me NOW.
Question: Why am I not able to feel it?
Answer: Memories working!
Action taken : I ask for erasure of those memories!

Result : Memories erased!
Then another feeling of frustration may be coming.

All is supposed to be good NOW.
Why am I not able to feel it?
Memories working!
I ask for erasure of those memories!

Result : Memories erased!

Again and again and again

Erasing give fluidity to things. It brings up whatever is the best for all.

The system works like a computer. It will naturally bring what corresponds to the state of the cleaning...
That is the reason why the Bible says : "Be still and see the salvation of the Lord"...

We do not work our salvation, we have no capacity for that...
We just allow the universe do the job in full faith,
not holding any belief nor any expectation.

it is called "Grace".

"I love you!I thank you!"

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Siloah, our pool of consciousness

In the New Testament, there is a miraculous pool where people enter to get cured from their is called Siloah or Siloam...

The meaning of "Siloah" is "to send out" or "to let go"...

This is the image of our consciousness...
It is a plastic, creative medium and as such it is a self cleaning pool...

Things, situations and people come in, they appear a certain way or say certain things to us and we have a choice, hold them in our beliefs and judgements or let the pool cleanse all ideas back to non existence and freedom...

Jesus gave us this interesting hint:
"Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work."

This is a very clear way to express the omnipresence and omnipotence of consciousness as an intelligent medium.
All is about the work of the consciousness we all share...

Jesus did not try to erase anything by himself. He  knew that things do not "work" this way. He knew that the only thing to do is to let go...and hold a "pure space" within  (The Sacred Heart).

So, he would not have been even concerned about the name of a disease ("Take no thought") , he was just letting all things to the care of consciousness with a full confidence in its operation.

"Healing" is not about holding a positive belief against a negative one, it is just about trusting the natural operation of consciousness and  trusting the Source behind it as the only active principle...

Cleaning my consciousness is taking an appearance of weight, knowing it is a "weightless idea" and letting it free to flow without any concern about the result or destination...