Saturday, February 9, 2013

100% Responsibility (what does that mean?)

I see through my meetings with people, in my consultations and workshops that the idea of accepting the now famous "100% responsibility" is often interpreted in a dangerously false perspective and not as the radically liberating attitude it should be.

Many people think the notion of responsibility in terms of "past". They see all the problems that occur in their "present" as a result of past mistakes, which singularly weight on their consciousness instead of alleviating it...

In fact, the concept of "100% responsibility" is purely related to the present experience: I live and assess the experience only in relation to my thoughts about the experience. I see that everything must necessarily pass through my mind to access my consciousness. I have power at any time to change my perspective and see the world as the « Other » sees it so I am able to "interpret" how my wife sees the world but it will always be a projection from my inner patterns of interpretations. If I think "you'll never change", this is only my own judgement and if I believe it is "real", my inner theater become frozen and frustrating. Too bad for me.

This is where "cleaning" and "erasing" within my "field" of awareness is useful if I don't want to stay trapped in a frustrating representation. I will never be able to "clean up" a conflict « outside » my Self but I can ask my subconscious to help me erase certain of my representations to update my reality filter. This will allow me to "de-freeze" my concept about the world ... My « reality »will then naturally change shape by itself from the now and in the now.

Without my interpretations, the world is forever blank and neutral. A cake on a table is only an object of the world absolutely equal with all others : chairs, animals, people, cars…. It is by entering into my consciousness that the cake will meet my "Responsibility". Is it" good "," fresh ", "do  I like it "... all will depend on me. And it is the same with society, politics, and my « reality » of everything. I am a filter through which everything enters my consciousness of the world. This process builds what we call "my reality".That’s all that is!...

From there I see that "100% responsibility" really means « 100% power» because when I know that all my ideas are only my own I understand the futility of the illusion of controling or manipulating  the outside. From this realization I will never act again as a victim of the outside world. The key of my "cell" is in my pocket and it can instantly become the key of my paradise (If I choose it).
"Am I responsible for my present at 100% or not?", it is at every moment the only question worth asking ...

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